Our Secret

With UNRIVALED attention to quality and detail, we, at Dino-Delites, understand that a such a unique treat like Freeze-Dried snacks require something more... While many companies boast how they can produce Huge Volumes of their freeze-dried product in record fast times....
We put the time, care, effort and even love into each batch.  The best way to bring out the flavors of a freeze-dried treat, whether Sweet, Sour, Savory, or a combination is to let the freeze-drying process take its time.

And that is EXACTLY what we do.  Each specific "Delite" requires a certain amount of time process a GOOD batch.... So we acknowledge the required time and WE DOUBLE IT to create a GREAT batch. 

In Freeze-Drying, it is impossible to "over-dry" a treat.... you can only make it Yummier!

🦕We make sure to🦕
If a batch calls for 3 hours of freeze-drying, we do it for 6!

We felt it made sense to incur the heavy costs of additional expensive freeze driers make make less money in order to produce a QUALITY PROUCT THAT YOU WILL LOVE, rather than cut corners. 

Read our reviews to understand how and why our new ''Dino-Delite Family & Friends'' rave about Dino-Delites!

It is no secret that we care so very much for each and every one of YOU!... our buyers (turned friends) and we make sure you know that!  By the end of our transaction, you'll find yourself calling us ''Friend''. Give us a shot and watch the miracle happen!